Toi Gye
Master Eisenstein performs Toi Gye from the back with Ki Haps.
***To adjust the playback speed: Play, click the “Settings” button (looks like a gear), choose “Playback Speed,” reduce to 0.75 or 0.5
“He brought Neo-Confuciansim to Korea.”
Moves: 37
3th gup
Red Stripe pattern for those testing for Red Belt.
The penname of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (1501-1570), an authority on neo-Confucianism. The number of moves, 37, refers to his birthplace on the 37th latitude; the diagram represents “scholar”.
Start from Parallel Ready Stance.
1. 1/4 turn left, right back stance, left inside middle forearm block, with ki hap
2. Shift to left walking stance, low right finger thrust with palm up, left fist over right bicep
3. 1/4 turn right, bring left foot back into closed stance with left arm down block and right arm back fist, perform in slow motion
4. 1/4 turn right, left back stance, right inside forearm block
5. Shift to right walking stance, low left finger thrust with palm up, right fist over left bicep
6. 1/4 turn left, bring right foot back in to closed stance with right arm down block and left arm back fist
7. Step forward with left foot to form left walking stance, executing a pressing block with an X-fist
8. Execute a high vertical punch with twin fist, maintaining left walking stance
9. Execute a middle front kick with right foot, keep hands in same position as step 8
10. Walking stance, right middle front punch
11. Left middle front punch, ( 10 & 11 perform as combination technique)
12. Slowly, 1/4 turn facing left, bringing left foot forward to closed stance, fists placed on the opposite sides of waist
13. 1/4 turn left, move right foot to F to form sitting stance mountain block
14. 1/2 turn right, move left foot to F to form sitting stance mountain block
15. 1/2 turn right, move left foot to E to form sitting stance mountain block
16. 1/2 turn left, move right foot to E to form sitting stance mountain block
17. 1/2 turn right, move left foot to E to form sitting stance mountain block
18. 1/2 turn right, move left foot to F to form sitting stance mountain block
19. Bring right foot in and step forward with left foot to back stance, left low pushing block with left double forearm
20. Shift forward to walking stance, grab the opponent’s head
21. Right knee attack, bringing opponent’s head down to meet the knee, with ki hap
22. Put right foot down next to left foot, then 1/2 turn left to form right back stance with middle knife-hand guarding block
23. Execute a low front kick with left foot, keeping arms as they were in step 22
24. Lower left leg, forming left walking stance, executing a high thrust with left flat fingertip (palm down)
25. Step forward to form a left back stance with middle knife-hand guarding block
26. Execute a low front kick with right foot, keeping arms as they were in step 25
27. Lower right leg, forming right walking stance, executing a high thrust with right flat fingertip (palm down)
28. Step back with right leg to right back stance, left arm down block and right side back strike with backfist
29. Jump forward with 1/4 turn left to form a right X-stance while executing a pressing block with X-fist, keeping body vertical
30. 1/4 turn right, moving right foot forward to form a right walking stance, while executing a high side block with right double forearm
31. 3/4 turn left, right back stance, executing a low knife-hand guarding block
32. Shift to left walking stance, perform right circle block
33. Bring left foot to right foot, 1/2 turn right, move right foot to form a left back stance, executing a low knife-hand guarding block
34. Shift to right walking stance, execute left circle block
35. Pivot to left to form left walking stance, execute right circle block
36. Pivot to right to form right walking stance, execute left circle block
37. 1/4 turn left, move right foot to form sitting stance while executing a middle right front punch, with ki hap
Right foot returns to ready stance.