Master Eisenstein performs Yul-Gok from the back with Ki Haps.
***To adjust the playback speed: Play, click the “Settings” button (looks like a gear), choose “Playback Speed,” reduce to 0.75 or 0.5
“The Korean Patriot who assassinated the first Japanese governor of Korea.”
Moves: 32
4th Gup
Blue Belt pattern for those testing for Red Stripe.
Named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn’s age when he was executed in a Lui-Shung prison (1910).
Start from Closed Ready Stance B (Right hand makes a fist, place it in front of the knot on your belt, cover it with your left hand, feet together).
1. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a middle block to B with the left reverse knife-hand, with ki hap
2. Execute a low side front snap kick to B with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 1
3. Lower the left foot to B and then move the right foot to B forming a left rear foot stance toward B while executing an upward block with a right palm
4. Move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A, at the same time executing a middle block to A with a right reverse knife-hand
5. Execute a low side front snap kick to A with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 4
6. Lower the right foot to A and then move the left foot to A forming a right rear foot stance toward A while executing an upward block with a left palm
7. Move the left foot to D forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand
8. Execute a right upper elbow strike while forming a left walking stance toward D, slipping the left foot to D
9. Move the right foot to D forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand
10. Execute a left upper elbow strike while forming a right walking stance toward D, slipping the right foot to D
11. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.
12. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing an upset punch to D with a twin fist, with ki hap
13. Move the right foot on line CD and then turn counter clockwise to form a left walking stance toward C while executing a rising block with an X-fist
14. Move the left foot to E forming a right L-stance toward E while executing a high side strike to E with the left back fist
15. Twist the left fist counter clockwise until the back fist faces downward, at the same time forming a left walking stance toward E, slipping the left foot to E
16. Execute a high punch to E with the right fist while maintaining a left walking stance toward E. Perform 15 and 16 in a fast motion
17. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to F, forming a left L-stance toward F while executing a high side strike to F with a right back fist
18. Twist the right fist clockwise until the back fist faces downward, at the same time forming a right walking stance toward F, slipping the right foot to F
19. Execute a high punch to F with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward F. Perform 18 and 19 in a fast motion
20. Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a high block to C with a left double forearm
21. Execute a middle punch to C with the left fist while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot
22. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot
23. Lower the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a high block to C with the right double forearm
24. Execute a middle punch to C with the right fist while forming a left L-stance toward C, pulling the right foot
25. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the left foot
26. Lower the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with the forearm
27. Execute a pressing block with the right palm while forming a left low stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C. Perform in slow motion
28. Move the right foot to C forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with the forearm
29. Execute a pressing block with the left palm while forming a right low stance toward C, slipping the right foot to C. Perform in a slow motion
30. Bring the left foot to the right foot forming a closed stance toward A while executing an angle punch with the right fist. Perform in slow motion
31. Move the right foot to A forming a right fixed stance toward A while executing a U-shape block to A
32. Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to B forming a left fixed stance toward B, at the same time executing a U-shape block to B, with ki hap
Bring the left foot back to a ready posture.