Study Center



  • Each color belt in Taekwon-Do is accompanied by a Hyung, or form, which is set of moves each student is required to learn and be able to demonstrate on their own.

  • Each new form teaches a new principle of Taekwon-Do and increases in difficulty as the student progresses in their training.

  • Students are responsible for all of the forms they have learned. They should be able to perform all of their lower forms as well as teach a junior belt just learning their new form.


Tenets of Taekwon-Do

The Tenets of Taekwon-Do make up the code we, as martial artists, live by. By adhering to the tenets we strive to live peaceful, healthy and meaningful lives.

  1. Courtesy

  2. Integrity

  3. Perseverance

  4. Indomitable Spirit

  5. Self Control

  6. Community Service

  7. Compassion

Grace 1st degree flying side kick.jpg

Theory of Power

Energy is power. How to best generate and focus one’s energy has been a major question at the heart of all martial arts.

  1. Speed

  2. Reaction Force

  3. Concentration

  4. Balance

  5. Breath Control

  6. Mass