Top Video: Master Eisenstein performs Won-Hyo from the front with Ki Haps.
Bottom Video: Master Eisenstein performs Won-Hyo from the back with Ki Haps.
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“The monk who brought Buddhism to Korea.”
Moves: 28
6th Gup
Green Belt pattern for those testing for Blue Stripe
He was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the general populace in the Shilla Dynasty in 686 AD.
Start from closed foot position with fist clasped shoulder high (Left covers right).
1. 1/4 turn left, back stance twin forearm block block, with ki hap
2. Right knife-hand (palm up), with left fist ending near the right bicep
3. Slide foot into fixed stance, left side punch
4. 1/2 turn right, back stance, twin forearm block
5. Left knife-hand (palm up), with right fist ending near the left bicep
6. Slide foot forward into fixed stance, right side punch
7. Slide right foot to center, 1/4 turn, right leg bending ready stance
8 Left side kick
9. Step left foot forward into back stance, knife-hand guarding block,
10. Step right foot forward into back stance knife-hand guarding block
11. Step left foot forward into back stance, knife-hand guarding block
12. Step right foot forward walking stance , right hand spearhand thrust, with ki hap
13. 3/4 turn left, back stance twin block
14. Right knife-hand (palm up)
15. Step forward into fixed stance, left side punch
16.1/2 turn right, back stance twin block
17. Left knife-hand (palm up)
18. Right side punch
19. Slide right foot into center, 1/4 turn left, walking stance right circle block
20.Low right front kick
21. Right walking stance, left reverse punch
22. Left circle block
23. Low left front kick
24. Left walking stance, right reverse punch
25. Left leg bending ready stance
26 Right middle side kick
27. 3/4 turn, right fighting stance, middle guarding block
28. Slide left foot in, left fighting stance, middle guarding block, with ki hap.
Right foot returns to center forming closed foot stance