Top Video: Master Eisenstein performs Dan-Gun from the front with Ki Haps.
Bottom Video: Master Eisenstein performs Dan-Gun from the back with Ki Haps.
***To adjust the playback speed: Play, click the “Settings” button (looks like a gear), choose “Playback Speed,” reduce to 0.75 or 0.5
“He was the legendary founder of Korea.”
Moves: 21
8th Gup
Yellow belt pattern for those testing for Green Stripe.
Named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 BC.
NOTE: In this pattern, all front punches are high-section.
Start from Parallel Ready Stance.
1. 1/4 turn left, back stance double knife-hand block, with ki hap
2. Walking stance, step forward, right front punch
3. 1/2 turn right, back stance double knife-hand block
4. Walking stance, step forward, left front punch
5. 1/4 turn degrees left, walking stance down block left hand
6. Step forward, walking stance right front punch
7. Step forward, walking stance left front punch
8. Step forward, walking stance right front punch
9. 3/4 turn left, back stance twin forearm block,
10. Walking stance, step forward, right front punch, with ki hap
11. 1/2 turn right, back stance twin forearm block
12. Walking stance, step forward, left front punch
13. 1/4 turn left, walking stance left down block
14. Holding position, left rising block (13 & 14 executed as combination technique)
15. Step forward, walking stance right rising block
16. Step forward, walking stance left rising block
17. Step forward, walking stance right rising block
18. 3/4 turn left, back stance left knife-hand strike (palm down)
19. Step forward walking stance, right front punch
20. 1/2 turn right, back stance right knife-hand strike (palm down)
21. Step forward, walking stance, left front punch, with ki hap
Left foot moves to form parallel ready stance position